Startup success does not stop with helping individual startups accelerate their growth. There is an entire ecosystem that is needed for a startup to flourish in the area where it is located. For this reason we are heavily involved in building the startup ecosystem in the EDR region of Northern Netherlands and North-West Germany.
The Interreg Startup EDR project promotes cooperation and collaboration between startups, as well as a personalized mentoring programme. Among other things, this programme aims to connect mentors to entrepreneurs who are in need of a helping hand. Our mentors have collective experience in all areas of business, so no matter the obstacle, a solution will always be found.
New Jobportunities is een project dat eerder al bewezen heeft succesvol herintreders te kunnen begeleiden richting de grensoverschrijdende arbeidsmarkt. In de vorige projectperiode vond 80% van de herintreders na afloop een goed betaalde baan of vervolgopleiding in de Duits-Nederlandse grensregio.
Zero to One is committed to creating a future-proof New Jobportunities.
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